I Feel Awesome, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome

The lyrics and music of Godrej Cinthol's new advertisement is absolutely awesome. I just love this advertisement..

Read the lyrics of English version below:

When I feel the thrill of water spraying and the chill, I Feel Awesome
When I’m splashing about and just want to shout, I Feel Awesome
When I’m soaked to the bone but made it all on my own, I Feel Awesome
I Feel Alive, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome

When I’m out in the wild, I feel like a child and It’s Awesome
When the cold makes me shiver and the rush makes me quiver, I Feel Awesome
When my muscles just ache but my spirit won’t break, I Feel Awesome 
I Feel Alive, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome

To sweat from pores you never existed, It’s Awesome
To lunge into the depths of sparking unknown waters, It’s Awesome

I Feel Alive, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome
I Feel Alive, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome

Read the lyrics of Hindi version below:

जब छीटे फवारे, मेरे दिल को छू जाए, I Feel Awesome
मस्ती के छपाके, पास आये लहराके, I Feel Awesome
खुशियों से लम्हों दिल को  तय की  हो मंजिल, I Feel Awesome
I Feel Alive, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome

ना फ़िक्र जब सताए, और बचपन लौटाए, I Feel Awesome
जब रूह थर-थाराए, और मन सहेल जाये, I Feel Awesome
तन यह टूटे भी तो यह हौसला टूट ना पाए, It’s Awesome
I Feel Alive, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome
I Feel Alive, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome

I Feel Awesome, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome I Feel Awesome, I Feel Alive, Alive Is Awesome Reviewed by Sourabh Soni on Tuesday, October 09, 2012 Rating: 5

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Image Link [https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zo21XIdyPqc/VuTrFfUyPhI/AAAAAAAAAO8/EEWTN73XHUA7aTIjuxuBSN-WGaGkNUymA/s1600/sourabhdots3.jpg] Author Name [Sourabh Soni] Author Description [Technocrat, Problem Solver, Corporate Entrepreneur, Adventure Enthusiast] Facebook Username [sourabh.soni.587] Twitter Username [sourabhs271] GPlus Username [#] Pinterest Username [#] Instagram Username [#] LinkedIn Username [sonisourabh] Youtube Username [sonisourabh] NatGeo Username [271730]