Product & Marketing Processes
6 Cs
PESTEL framework for context -> big question: What is the implications of these context on the product?
- Political context
- Economic context
- social & cultural context
- Technological context
- Ecological context
- Legal & judicial context
Marketing Process (Marketing view of the product)
Step 1: 6C Analysis
Step 2: S-T-P Marketing -> Segmentation, Targeting, Positions
Step 3: 4P Marketing plan
Product -> solution to the customer problem
Price -> Customer cost
Promotion -> communication -> message via ads etc
Place -> convenience
Product is any offering by a company to a market (for attention, acquisition, use or consumption) that aims to meet customer aspirations.
Consumer looks as at a product with perspective whether product can solve the particular problem or not.
E,g. mechanic do not buy a drill but buy a ability to create same size holes.
E.g. don't sell me insurance.. peace of mind and future of family
Don't sell me things... fulfill my need for comfort, security, pride, good feelings, happy memories
Customer Value (process view of the product)
1. Understanding customer value -> Psychological, Functional, Economic
2. creating customer value
3. Capturing customer value
4. Delivering customer value
Customer delight
Exceeding customer expectation again & again...
A forever moving goalpost..
Product + service together.. tangible and intangible are combined together
Brand is a second vehicle to sustain the product and take it to next level..
Product & Marketing Processes
Reviewed by Sourabh Soni
Sunday, March 03, 2013

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