Mountain Hazards

Hazards can be termed natural (caused by natural occurrence), man-made (caused by an individual, such as lack of preparation, carelessness). There are two kinds of hazards while in the mountains—subjective and objective. 

Subjective Hazards:
1.       Slips and falls
2.       Benightment
3.       Cold injuries
4.       Snow blindness
5.       Sun burn
6.       Acute mountain sickness (AMS): symptom -> Headache
7.       High altitude cerebral oedema (HACO): symptom -> severe AMS and ataxia i.e. inability to walk in straight line
8.       High altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPO): symptom -> dyspnoea (breathlessness) at rest, chest congestion
9.        Hallucination

Objective Hazards:
1.       River in spate
2.       Glacial stream
3.       Avalanche
4.       Landslide
5.       High lateral moraine
6.       Icefalls
7.       Snow on trees
8.       Verglas
9.       Whiteouts
10.   Lightening
11.   Cornice
Mountain Hazards Mountain Hazards Reviewed by Sourabh Soni on Sunday, May 08, 2011 Rating: 5

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Image Link [] Author Name [Sourabh Soni] Author Description [Technocrat, Problem Solver, Corporate Entrepreneur, Adventure Enthusiast] Facebook Username [sourabh.soni.587] Twitter Username [sourabhs271] GPlus Username [#] Pinterest Username [#] Instagram Username [#] LinkedIn Username [sonisourabh] Youtube Username [sonisourabh] NatGeo Username [271730]