Mountains -- Superior than mountaineer

 "Life is easy when you're up on the mountain
And you've got peace of mind like you've never known.
But then things change and you're down in the valley.
Don't lose faith for you're never alone.

For the God on the mountain is still God in the valley.
When things go wrong, He'll make it right.
And the God of the good times
is still God in the bad times.
The God of the day is still God in the night...."
Lyrics of "God on the Mountain" song from Lynda Randle. As per Indian mythology, Mountains are abode of mighty God. Rather for mountaineers, Mountains are God. Climbing mountains is a risky sports and cannot be taken lightly. Even for best trained and prepared mountaineers, it is a dangerous activity. They can anytime face white-out, thunderstorms, verglas, snow-fall, rock-fall, avalanches and abrupt change in weather conditions. It is mountain that are superior than mountaineer. It is very important for inexperienced mountaineers to aware of what kind of challenges a mountain can throw and how to survive another day on mountain. 
With the above caution note, in this blog called "Meeting Mountain God", I would attempt to cover what I learned from my recent one month mountaineering training at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI), Darjeeling.
Mountains -- Superior than mountaineer Mountains -- Superior than mountaineer Reviewed by Sourabh Soni on Sunday, April 10, 2011 Rating: 5

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