A Better Life A Better World

Excellent commercial of Panasonic Brand.. Very inspiring.. wording goes like as below:

Enjoy the power of your choices
For you will miss them when you're no longer young

A six pack doesn't make you strong
Having the power of conviction does

So do what you like, and like what you do
 And make sure your belly shakes every time when you laugh

You are born to be happy
And you'll find it in the un-likeliest of places

Remember there is always be someone who loves you more than you can imagine

Respect talent, whatever you be age
Even you have none, you are still perfect

Deserve your One life - One world
And you can make it better by choices you make

A Better Life - A Better World

Proves alive is awesome..

A Better Life A Better World A Better Life A Better World Reviewed by Sourabh Soni on Saturday, January 03, 2015 Rating: 5

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Image Link [https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zo21XIdyPqc/VuTrFfUyPhI/AAAAAAAAAO8/EEWTN73XHUA7aTIjuxuBSN-WGaGkNUymA/s1600/sourabhdots3.jpg] Author Name [Sourabh Soni] Author Description [Technocrat, Problem Solver, Corporate Entrepreneur, Adventure Enthusiast] Facebook Username [sourabh.soni.587] Twitter Username [sourabhs271] GPlus Username [#] Pinterest Username [#] Instagram Username [#] LinkedIn Username [sonisourabh] Youtube Username [sonisourabh] NatGeo Username [271730]