Name Hiding - A rarely used C++ feature

Recently one of colleagues encountered a weird compilation error indicating that the method is not found. The code was something like this:

class BaseClass
    void Foo();
    void Foo(int, int);

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass
    void Foo(double);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    DerivedClass d;
    d.Foo(10, 10); // error -> 'DerivedClass::Foo' : function
                   // does not take 2 arguments
      return 0;

When he was tried to invoke Foo(int, int) method on the object of the DerivedClass, the compiler gave him an error. It was counterintuitive, as the methods seem to be defined correctly in the BaseClass and DerivedClass.
The reason of the compilation error is that methods Foo(int, int) and Foo() in BaseClass got hidden due to the method Foo(double) in the DerivedClass. Few (not all) compilers does give a warning that clearly indicate that the DerivedClass::Foo(double) hides BaseClass::Foo() and BaseClass::Foo(int, int). Other compilers simply tell you that method signature is not matching and would not tell that the BaseClass methods are gone hidden.
There are two ways of fixing this problem:
1.      You can redefine the methods in the DerivedClass by merely delegating the class to the BaseClass

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass
    void Foo() // Redefine
    void Foo(int a, int b) // Redefine
        BaseClass::Foo(a, b);
    void Foo(double);

2.      You can unhide the methods by using the “using” keyword.

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass
    using BaseClass::Foo; // Add it before you overload the method.
    void Foo(double);

Note that the use of “virtual” keyword with the Foo method does not change the method hiding behaviour.

Name Hiding - A rarely used C++ feature Name Hiding - A rarely used C++ feature Reviewed by Sourabh Soni on Monday, November 09, 2009 Rating: 5

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